Formaldehdye Solutions

Marinochem are the only formaldehyde manufacturer in Ireland.

Formaldehyde is produced on site by the oxidation of methanol over an iron-molybdate catalyst. It is used by Marinochem to make non-hazardous polymer glues for use in the wood products industry.

The formaldehyde gas is produced through the catalytic oxidation of methanol and this gas is then dissolved in water for storage and shipment.

Formaldehyde is also used as a disinfectant and preservative in healthcare facilities, laboratories, and mortuaries. It plays a vital role in the production of plastics, textiles, and synthetic fibers. Additionally, formaldehyde is utilized in the production of various chemicals, including solvents, dyes and pharmaceuticals.

Methanol stabilised formaldehyde solutions can be supplied, in bulk or IBC quantities, in a wide range of concentrations to suit customers’ needs
Bulk / IBC Quantities available
Methanol stabilised formaldehyde solutions can be supplied in a wide range of concentrations to suit customers' needs
Solution for your business

What can you expect

Marinochem will deliver a high quality product for you each and every time.
Solutions for your manufacturing business
Production of bespoke products to suit each clients specific requirements
Ireland's largest bulk storage facility for methanol
Ireland's only formaldehyde manufacturer, produced on site.

As a trusted chemical producer, Marinochem offers a diverse portfolio of high-quality products that cater to a wide range of industries and applications